Letters to the Editor

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Candidate Matthew Hayes calls for transparent municipal government in Fredericton

FREDERICTON - On April 5th, Fredericton mayoral candidate Matthew Hayes announced his second platform point, “Transparent Government”, in front of City Hall.

Having a transparent government, he explained, would allow the public to participate in the decision-making that affects them.

“I see a lot of opportunity for the public to engage in Council’s decisions, but the government isn’t making it possible,” he said. “As mayor, I would put practices in place that would allow our community to benefit more from the decisions made at City Hall.”

These practices would include instituting annual ward meetings, and increasing public consultation through advisory committees and better public dissemination of city business.

“What makes a strong city is engagement,” said Hayes. “When residents have a chance to express their ideas, the government can make better decisions on their behalf. That’s what I want to bring to Fredericton.”