Letters to the Editor

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

NB resident writes tax office over property value concerns about fracking

Well fellow New Brunswickers, I am requesting reassessment of my property tax. A copy of the letter I am sending follows. Please feel free to copy this letter, add your name and send it on. Maybe a deluge of property tax reassessments will make the government think twice about hydrofracking…

March 20, 2012

Regional Assessment Office
9329 Main St
Richibucto, N.B.
E4W 5R5
To whom it may concern:

I request a review of assessment for my property. As I am sure you are aware, the government of New Brunswick has granted permission to drilling companies such as SWN to conduct seismic testing for shale gas in our area. 

On January 19, 2012, I attended an information session where Michel DesNeiges, Legal Counsel with the New Brunswick Environmental Law Society was invited to speak on the topic of shale gas drilling. He advised that because there will be seismic testing and possibly hydrofracturing for shale gas near our properties, the value of our properties has already decreased. Should we ever wish to sell our property, the realtor has to disclose this to potential buyers.

Since my property is close to where they will be doing seismic testing, I know my property value has decreased. As a matter of fact, I believe it will be worth nothing if they pollute my water, poison the air in the surrounding area and turn the beautiful country side where I live into an industrial wasteland. I assure you that I would never buy a piece of land where I know they will be doing seismic testing or hydrofracturing for shale gas as I am sure anyone else with half a brain would not.

Therefore since the government of New Brunswick is so intent on making my property worthless, I request that my tax assessment be equally based on a worthless piece of land and decreased accordingly.


Celianne Cormier