Letters to the Editor

Friday, 28 October 2011

A view from the industry - Recent study on water wells in Arkansas

Initial results being reported of a recent water well study done in Arkansas by the US Geological Survey which shows no noticeable impact of the shale activity on water wells tested.

The highlights:

1.       In June, the US Geological Survey announced they would be studying water wells in part of Arkansas to look for any possible link between drinking water concerns and natural gas drilling.

2.       In July, they tested 71 wells and sent the samples to Duke University for analysis.

3.       In early October, they released their initial findings in a media interview (http://www.todaysthv.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=176634).

4.       They found no noticeable impact on 71 water wells tested in Van Buren County, Arkansas.  “The short of the story is we didn’t find any indication of impacts of the shale gas.”

5.       20 of the wells were tested for methane and found no thermogenic gas.

6.       The wells away from the drilling activity had about the same concentration of chemicals as the ones closer.

7.       Final study results will be released in about six months.