Letters to the Editor

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


This publication regrets any offence caused to Occupy personnel when a Facebook technical glitch we were unaware of created the impression to us were were banned from their pages. We announced the ban in error and have since removed it from this blog, our Facebook page and Twitter feed.

However, no compromise has been forthcoming by Occupy administrators in taking responsibility for the original error that led to this entire misunderstanding, that is, making no announcement that an event scheduled for yesterday had been cancelled, causing us great inconvenience. Instead Occupy has refused to grant our request to post a missive on their pages whenever an event is cancelled to alert members of the importance of avoiding the inconvenience to others. Rather, Occupy administrators were difficult throughout our exchange to the point of bullying and insulting us on our own Facebook page with the help of their colleagues.

As such, we have chosen to no longer publicize or cover Occupy events, news or information. We have stripped our Facebook page, blog and Twitter feed of past Occupy coverage and have no plan to report on future happenings with Occupy in its entirety. - ED.