– Getting women more women involved at all levels in the Liberal Party
in order to combat provincial and federal Conservative government
policies that are negatively affecting women and children was one of the
main topics of conversation at the Biennial meeting of the New
Brunswick Liberal Women’s Commission (NBWLC) in Memramcook.

NBWLC heard from four potential provincial Liberal leadership
candidates and the consensus was the provincial Conservative
government’s budget cuts to Social Development, Health, Education and
the Women’s Issues Branch will hurt many people in our province but
particularly women. The group was encouraged to hear the candidates’
future plans on policy and operational opportunities within the New
Brunswick Liberal Association and eventually government.
LeBlanc, Member of Parliament for Beauséjour (photo left), also outlined some of the
devastating policy directions the federal Conservative government is
trying to implement or change through budget cuts, changes to Old Age
Security and Motions by backbench Conservative Members of Parliament.
on the presentations from the leadership candidates and Mr. LeBlanc,
the NBWLC voted unanimously to do further in depth analysis on recent
federal and provincial government decisions and the impact these will
have on women in our communities. After the Alward Conservative
government eliminated the Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the
NBWLC feels they have a responsibility to provide this information to
the public.
new NBWLC Executive was selected at the meeting and they are ready to
work with and, in the spirit of renewal, advance the ideas of the NBWLC
and create a stronger organization across the province. The members
are: Véronique Arsenault (President), Sylvia Sargent (1st Vice President), Carmel Robichaud (2nd Vice President), Anna MacDonald (Secretary), Olga Ross (Treasurer), and Wendy Robbins (Past President).