is an open public letter to the Alward Government from New Brunswick
community groups opposed to Slickwater Hydraulic Fracturing (Hydro
Fracking) exploration and development in the province. Please publish
its contents in full. Thank you.
May 23, 2012
Premier David Alward
Minister Responsible for Citizen Engagement
Centennial Building
P. O. Box 6000
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5H1
P. O. Box 6000
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5H1
Dear Mr. Alward:
government is not living up to its commitment to engage with citizens. Shale
gas mining and development is one of the most important and controversial issues
facing New Brunswickers today.
During the past 12 months, thousands of urban
and rural New Brunswickers have been moved to action. Some have had their well
water tested. Many have participated in protest marches for the first time in
their lives. Others have sent letters to newspaper editors denouncing our
government’s involvement in the promotion of this industry. All of these well-informed
people are cognizant of scientific evidence that confirms that shale gas
extraction threatens our air quality, surface and groundwater, health, property
values, and quality of life.
your promise in a Moncton speech last October, our MLAs have failed to hold
town hall and information meetings “to hear directly from their constituents on
this important issue.” So, on May 10th, a group of citizens organized a debate in
Fredericton on the pros and cons of shale gas mining. Eight government
representatives, including you, were invited to participate.
Based on our
government’s booklet entitled Citizen Engagement and Responsible Government
( ),
we fully expected our government’s active participation in this debate. Instead,
our government declined the invitation.
e-mail from Mr. Troy Lifford, PC Caucus Chair, attempting to explain our
government’s refusal to participate in this debate, was perplexing. Mr. Lifford
said our government has yet to decide whether it endorses the development of a
shale gas industry in New Brunswick.
statement seems contradictory to the result of the “free vote” last December,
in which Conservative MLAs voted unanimously in favour of “responsible and
regulated development” of this industry. Moreover, the Dept.
of Natural Resources’ Web site, Natural Gas from Shale, declares, “Welcome
to our web site dedicated to shale gas exploration and development,” and
goes on to address only the alleged benefits of this industry. This does not
sound like the words of a government that is undecided on the issue.
Nor have Minister Northrup’s repeated refusals to place a moratorium on the
industry pending further study sounded like the stance of a government that has
yet to decide.
April 2012, when Mr. Northrup gave a new shale gas exploration license to
Windsor Energy, a company which had previously ignored exploration regulations,
he claimed it was to avoid an expensive lawsuit. But in December 2011, our
government showed no such reluctance to pass legislation that breached the
province’s agreement with Enbridge Gas New Brunswick, legislation to facilitate
the economical distribution and use of natural gas. That does not seem to be
the action of a government that is undecided about developing a shale gas
government just days ago claimed to have developed “world-class” regulations to
control the shale gas industry. That, too, does not seem to be the action of a
government that is undecided about developing a shale gas industry.
of our government’s public statements, actions and attitudes have made it clear
that it favours the development of this industry in the province, regardless of
the well-known and scientifically verified dangers it presents to our people. In
such a context, Mr. Lifford’s declarations of government neutrality on the
issue seem a disingenuous dodge to avoid accountability for the government’s approach
to this issue, a dodge that disrespects all of our cherished democratic
principles of public consultation and transparency on important issues
affecting the
believe that it is your responsibility, as Minister Responsible for Citizen Engagement,
to guide our government in an honest and open discussion of all of the
implications of shale gas development in New Brunswick, and to be
straightforward and forthcoming about our government’s standpoint towards this extractive
resource industry.