– The Alward Conservatives will not be moving forward immediately with the installation of 3T MRIs in New Brunswick’s leading
hospitals; something that didn't sit well with the Opposition Liberals today.
Health critic, Bill Fraser, welcomed news today that the government
is finally at least discussing 3T MRI technology for New Brunswick’s
health care system.
However he is concerned that Health Minister Dube has made no clear commitment or timeline for adding new diagnostic machines to the health system.
“Liberals fully supported our medical experts on this issue, who say that 3T MRIs are the necessary equipment for our leading specialized care hospitals in Moncton and Saint John," said Fraser.
However he is concerned that Health Minister Dube has made no clear commitment or timeline for adding new diagnostic machines to the health system.

“Liberals fully supported our medical experts on this issue, who say that 3T MRIs are the necessary equipment for our leading specialized care hospitals in Moncton and Saint John," said Fraser.
health minister today announced she is forming a committee. It’s just a
shame it took them almost two years to even discuss this. It was
examined near the end of the previous government’s mandate. 3Ts are
needed now in Moncton and Saint John." added Fraser.
Dubé has not stated whether both Moncton and Saint John will receive 3T
MRIs, or when they can expect to be installed at the hospitals.
Instead, Minister Dubé announced that a review committee would be put in place, but not report back until October 31, 2012.
Dubé has already wasted 18 months. We hope she’s not using this review
committee as another political tactic to stall for more time," said Fraser.
“This is necessary equipment – machines that our medical experts and leading hospitals are waiting to use. Minister Dubé needs to ensure they are going to be put in place right away.”