Number of Criminal Code incidents declined for third year in a row

“Our Crime Reduction Strategy has proven instrumental in a 12% decrease in property crime and 31% decrease in property damage cases in 2011,” said MacKnight. “Violent crimes are also down with a notable 45% decease in robberies over the 5-year average but we are staying vigilant as any violent crime remains a concern.”
Total calls for service declined 3% when compared to the previous year. There were a total of 23,322 calls for service in 2011, plus a total of 4,065 requests for criminal record checks and taxi licences.
The majority of incidents reported in Fredericton are property crime which consist of 65% of all reported crimes and includes crimes such as property damage, break and enter, and theft. There were 2,470 reported cases in 2011 compared to 2,810 cases in 2010. Other crimes include incidents such as breach of probation, failure to attend court, and indecent or harassing phone calls.
The largest categories within property crime are theft at 565 reported crimes, theft from motor vehicles 510 and property damage with 490 reported incidents.
The largest category of crimes against people was common assault with 326 reported crimes, a slight decrease from 342 in 2010.
Total criminal code occurrences have decreased 11% in 2011 when compared to 2010. In 2011, 3,790 occurrences were reported compared to 4,256 in 2010.
Total crimes against people decreased slightly by 4% in 2011 when compared to the previous year while total sexual assaults increased to 87 reported occurrences in 2011 compared to 78 in 2010.
Total reported drug occurrences decreased slightly by 7% in 2011 with 1. To date there have been 139 charges stemming from 115 drug occurrences. The number of charges will continue to increase as the files are processed through the court system in 2012.
In 2011, 76% of the drug crimes were the result of possession, trafficking, producing, or importing of marijuana. Other illicit drugs and substances accounted for 15% of the reported occurrences, while the remaining 9% involved cocaine.
Total motor vehicle accidents in 2011 remained unchanged when compared to the five-year average, while accidents resulting in injury continued a six year decline. In 2011, there were two motor vehicle accidents resulting in fatalities. One fatality involved a pedestrian while the other involved a motorized vehicle. There were a total of 33 pedestrian motor vehicle accidents in 2011.
Impaired driving offences went from 153 incidents in 2010 to 156 in 2011. However; numbers are still declining from 200 incidents in 2007. Included in the impaired driving offences were 22 breathalyser refusals similar to the amount accounted for in 2010.