Photo: Suspect 1 - Green hoodie

Photo: Suspect 2 - Striped hoodie

Photo: Suspect 3 - Dark jacket
On Saturday March 24, 2012, at approximately 10:30 a.m. Codiac RCMP members responded to a complaint of a theft that occurred at a convenience store on Mountain Road in Moncton. Three men entered the store and while two of them were distracting the employees, the third person removed the debit terminal by cutting the wire. The three men then left the premises in a small silver sedan with a Quebec license plate. The suspects discarded the terminal shortly after and it was recovered by witnesses. No information would have been compromised in this case. The incident is not believed to be related to recent cases involving debit card fraud in the area.
If anyone has information on the three individuals depicted in these photos, they are asked to contact Codiac Regional RCMP at 857-2400 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. (8477).