Letters to the Editor
Friday, 23 March 2012
Picaroons Traditional Ales wants your cat
Picaroons Traditional Ales is brewing up a new beer potion and needs your help for the label. More specifically, they need your cat.
Please send them a high resolution picture of your awesome cat that they can use for their new MELONHEAD label.
According to Picaroons, "If your special cat gets selected, it will gain G I N O R M O U S celebrity status in the Beer, Melon, and Cat, world. Please don't try and put an actual melon on your cat's head, and PLEASE don't hurt the poor thing."
They will let you know if your cat made the cut, right before MELONHEAD hits the shelves in June.
You can send your cat pictures to: MelonheadContest@gmail.com (Must be under 20MB - .jpg/.pdf/.tif filetypes would be purrfect. please no .gif's)
Submissions will be cut-off on Friday, April 13.