Letters to the Editor
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
NB NDP leader Cardy says Liberals calling for cut in gas taxes irresponsible
FREDERICTON – New Brunswick New Democratic Party Leader Dominic Cardydismissed the Liberal party’s call for a reduction in gasoline taxes as populism without purpose.
“It’s good to be reminded why the people of New Brunswick got rid of the Liberal Party. Seeing former Deputy Premier Donald Arsenault up there calling for irresponsible and unsustainable tax cuts – it’s like old
times,” said Cardy.
The Liberals have called on Premier David Alward to reverse the gas tax increase made in the March 2011 budget, when the tax on a litre of regular gas rose from 10.7 cents to 13.6 cents per litre. The Liberals had cut the gasoline tax by 3.8 cents per litre in 2006.
Cardy said “The Liberals are reading from their old playbook, making foolish promises while looking for a popularity payoff. But where is the analysis? We have a $471 million provincial deficit. How would the
Liberals offset the cost of this cut? More cuts to front line public services? How much would their promise even cost? Do they know and, more important, do the Liberals even care? New Brunswick needs an alternative to the Alward Conservatives but the Liberals keep showing that they arenot serious about change. The New Democrats are serious, and we’re ready to take on both old parties and their out-dated ideas.”
Cardy said, “If the Liberals were serious about government finances they would join the New Democrats’ campaign to end corporate welfare. As the constructive opposition New Democrats offer solutions. If the Liberals can’t be constructive perhaps they should enter a period of quiet introspection; really, anything would be better than warming up these golden oldies that led New Brunswick to huge debt and deficits. What’s
next – a proposal to sell NB Power?”