Letters to the Editor
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
New Democrat leader calls for stop to government department donations
FREDERICTON – New Brunswick New Democrat Leader Dominic Cardy is calling on Premier David Alward to put a stop to government departments and agencies making donations and sponsoring events.
In recent weeks the PC Party has been forced to return donations from two separate government agencies. Horizon Health and WorkSafeNB came under fire after it was discovered they purchased tickets to an “Evening with the Premier” fundraising dinner.
Sharon Tucker, the chair of WorkSafeNB and three time Conservative candidate, attended the fundraiser on behalf of WorksafeNB. Ms. Tucker knew it was a party fundraiser before attending.
“New Brunswick’s tax dollars should be spent on public services, not private parties for political insiders,” says Cardy. "Premier Alward must investigate government department spending for donations and sponsorships, report the totals to the public, and stop this practise for good.”
“Premier Alward put your foot down and stop government departments from making these type of donations,” says Cardy.
In 2011, Business NB and Invest NB sponsored a provincially funded Enterprise Fredericton golf tournament and reception.
“New Brunswickers should not be footing the bill so bureaucrats can rub elbows with politicians,” says Cardy.
In 2006 former Premier Bernard Lord ordered all New Brunswick Crown Corporations to stop donations after NB Power donated $400,000 to the University of New Brunswick.
“Premier Lord made the right decision. Premier Alward enforce the rules,” says Cardy.
“A New Democrat government would stop government departments and agencies from donating to charities and other government departments,” says Cardy, “and put that money towards the front-line services that New Brunswickers need.”